I'm not sure yet if I passed all my courses but (!) I'm done in University of Queensland. I can't understand that I actually made it this far, I feel like superwoman! :D
Today I went a last time to UQ to print my flight tickets, I've also gotten back my rental bond $165=catching, and I bought a rainjacket. Not a nice thing to put money on if it's only a matter of a shitty rainjacket but a bit too expensive... However I would definately regret it if it's gonna rain while camping on Brampton Island.
Haven't packed my bags or cleaned out the room yet. Will do it as soon as I finished writing. It doesn't feel very sad at all to leave the house or Brisbane, not now when my favourite people have left already! I'm happy it's coming to an end, but now it's all about enjoying the things that I will see before returning the 14th and then off to Sweden!
Welcome to my travel blog! This is where I will share my photos and thoughts about my time in Brisbane and elsewhere in Australia. It's both for people back home who wants to follow my trip and for my own memory. Feel free to drop a comment if you'd like!
måndag 27 juni 2011
tisdag 21 juni 2011
G'day ladies and gents
Photos from the CityCat ferry yesterday with mum & dad.

Time is going quickly now, I've got the last exam on friday which gives me only 2,5 days to study... Today I chose to go with mum to Gallery of Modern Art instead of studying in the morning. However, now I'm tired and don't feel like studying. But I know I have to and I'll go sit in the library to be more effective tomorrow!
It's really nice to have my parents here, it feels both normal and not normal.
God I'm leaving the house in exactely a week, then my trips start. I dont like flying and I have to fly domestic 3 times (taking the bus between Sydney and Melbourne) and then it's the loooong flight home. I hate flying alone because if you're scared you have no ones hand to hold.
Speaking about holding ones hand. I am so lucky to have the best boyfriend on Earth. I know it always sounds cheezy when you read someone who's blogging and saying "he or she is the best on earth and i love him/her sooo much.. bla bla bla".
But I can't help myself, it's true <3
Time is going quickly now, I've got the last exam on friday which gives me only 2,5 days to study... Today I chose to go with mum to Gallery of Modern Art instead of studying in the morning. However, now I'm tired and don't feel like studying. But I know I have to and I'll go sit in the library to be more effective tomorrow!
It's really nice to have my parents here, it feels both normal and not normal.
God I'm leaving the house in exactely a week, then my trips start. I dont like flying and I have to fly domestic 3 times (taking the bus between Sydney and Melbourne) and then it's the loooong flight home. I hate flying alone because if you're scared you have no ones hand to hold.
Speaking about holding ones hand. I am so lucky to have the best boyfriend on Earth. I know it always sounds cheezy when you read someone who's blogging and saying "he or she is the best on earth and i love him/her sooo much.. bla bla bla".
But I can't help myself, it's true <3
onsdag 15 juni 2011
Whoa whoa whoa hold your horses there hun. It hit me, it's one month left. As in 30 days!
Countdown is so on dude!
Countdown is so on dude!
tisdag 14 juni 2011
Back to rea.. realo.. relatit.. a relative world?
So I've been in this colourful bubble since sunday and it's a real struggle to start studying again. My hangover was gone by 10pm yesterday and then I went to bed haha. I'm really happy that Brisbane finally showed me what it's got!
Didn't take that many photos from sunday night but here's a few from the gig and Andrew's balcony at 5am.

Didn't take that many photos from sunday night but here's a few from the gig and Andrew's balcony at 5am.
söndag 12 juni 2011
fly fly fly away
lördag 11 juni 2011
One down, two to go
Yo folks,
I fell asleep around 10pm and didn't sleep very well. It's always too many things in your head the day or night before an exam and it just wants to come out. It literally felt like I had a basket of words and they kept on sneaking out and I had to try to force them to stay in the basket. Rough fight. And tonight was also the first time here that I was aware of that I dreamt in english. Because someone said "Why would you wanna go to Europe now?" and I screamed "How would you want to miss European summer? EUROPEAN SUMMER!" Haha.
My anxious sleep together with the fact that it was friday night made me wake up every time someone came home from party town... And every time I woke up, more and more biology related terms came out of my head. It's funny how you 4am just know the main characterists of plant cells or how prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes.
Finally my alarm beeped at 6.30am and I almost flew out of bed. Porridge, coffee and ready to rumble. 2 hours and 75 questions later I was cross-eyed but felt mostly relieved. I think it's not impossible at all that I nailed 50%. That's what we need to pass the course, so let's keep our fingers crossed shall we!?
Now I'm watching Landgång Australien on SVTplay. My grandma said she liked it and so do I!
Puss o kram till alla hemma!
I fell asleep around 10pm and didn't sleep very well. It's always too many things in your head the day or night before an exam and it just wants to come out. It literally felt like I had a basket of words and they kept on sneaking out and I had to try to force them to stay in the basket. Rough fight. And tonight was also the first time here that I was aware of that I dreamt in english. Because someone said "Why would you wanna go to Europe now?" and I screamed "How would you want to miss European summer? EUROPEAN SUMMER!" Haha.
My anxious sleep together with the fact that it was friday night made me wake up every time someone came home from party town... And every time I woke up, more and more biology related terms came out of my head. It's funny how you 4am just know the main characterists of plant cells or how prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes.
Finally my alarm beeped at 6.30am and I almost flew out of bed. Porridge, coffee and ready to rumble. 2 hours and 75 questions later I was cross-eyed but felt mostly relieved. I think it's not impossible at all that I nailed 50%. That's what we need to pass the course, so let's keep our fingers crossed shall we!?
Now I'm watching Landgång Australien on SVTplay. My grandma said she liked it and so do I!
Puss o kram till alla hemma!
torsdag 9 juni 2011
Thursday 12.14: headache, sore throat and freezing. The exam is in 44 hours and I haven't even gone through all my notes yet - P A N I C.
I just wanna be home now, have Ulrik in my lap and a cup of tea in my hand.
(38 days left)
I just wanna be home now, have Ulrik in my lap and a cup of tea in my hand.
(38 days left)
onsdag 8 juni 2011
tisdag 7 juni 2011
Working 9 to 5 (and 6 to 10...)
Now it's SWOT-VAC, they call the examperiod SWOT-VAC and I've forgot what it means. Anyway, I'm spending my time studying to my first exam that is on saturday morning. It's probably the hardest exam, but what do I know? At the moment I'm enjoying a fabulous salad with kidney beans, snow peas, carot, avocado, brown rice and mustard vinegrette. Everything tastes fantastic with my vinegrette!
I collected my wildlife management essays before and was excited to read the comments. However, as I didn't do a proper proof read, there were a lot of comments and some grammar mistakes. Would be ebst if I had an english person doing the proof reading of all my works but I don't have that. Don't feel like harassing the few native english speakers in my house...
Although many comments I got 87/100 marks on the first one and 83/100 on the second. "Great work. Lots of good references and great research done! Good job writing an essay in a language that isn't familiar to you". First time someone said that, felt good! :)
I'm increadibly homesick at the moment. But it helps thinking that my parents are coming soon, exams are finished in 3 weeks, I'm going to see nice stuff and then GO HOOOME!
I collected my wildlife management essays before and was excited to read the comments. However, as I didn't do a proper proof read, there were a lot of comments and some grammar mistakes. Would be ebst if I had an english person doing the proof reading of all my works but I don't have that. Don't feel like harassing the few native english speakers in my house...
Although many comments I got 87/100 marks on the first one and 83/100 on the second. "Great work. Lots of good references and great research done! Good job writing an essay in a language that isn't familiar to you". First time someone said that, felt good! :)
I'm increadibly homesick at the moment. But it helps thinking that my parents are coming soon, exams are finished in 3 weeks, I'm going to see nice stuff and then GO HOOOME!
onsdag 1 juni 2011
June, why am I not as lovely as you?
Sitting at the library in a hoody, jacket, scarf and vandrarstrumpor. It's still cold. My hands are cold, my nose is cold. Everybody seems to think that as soon as you originate north of the latitude 50°N you are not welcome to freeze anymore. In that case an african can't sweat for example. I think that's silly because I think they sweat. Back to the cold, I guess the temperature dropped again the last days because now it's so hard to get up from bed. And I'm unbeliebly unmotivated to go write on this stupid report.
Fuck it, today I only feel like going home. It's like you should be ashamed of wanting to go home when you're here. I MISS HOME AND IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME TO COME HOME! There, I said it. Of course I miss home when my wonderful friends, boyfriend and family are there. I can't see anything strange with that.
Yes, I have a bad day or days maybe I should say. It's been a bit shit lately, it really feels like my brain came out with the shit a few days ago. Therefore it makes it so much harder to work.
At least it's June.
(Sorry for writing such a depressing blog insertion!)
Fuck it, today I only feel like going home. It's like you should be ashamed of wanting to go home when you're here. I MISS HOME AND IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME TO COME HOME! There, I said it. Of course I miss home when my wonderful friends, boyfriend and family are there. I can't see anything strange with that.
Yes, I have a bad day or days maybe I should say. It's been a bit shit lately, it really feels like my brain came out with the shit a few days ago. Therefore it makes it so much harder to work.
At least it's June.
(Sorry for writing such a depressing blog insertion!)
måndag 30 maj 2011
onsdag 25 maj 2011
Eine kleine junge
Soon I'll be more active on Skype, which probably means less studying... But I don't care cause at least we can skype again. J is coming home! If not Landvetter decides to shut down the airport in time for their arrival.
Okay, enough procrastination now. Back to report writing!
Okay, enough procrastination now. Back to report writing!
onsdag 18 maj 2011
2 down 2 to go
Right. I'm currently going through a sugar coma here so I can't really put my thoughts together. But I CAN tell you is that I've submitted two essays today. Have been working on them for a while now but the last three days have been manic! Yesterday I worked 7 hours in the library and then 8 hours when I came home. The hours between 1am and 4am passed really quickly. Woke up 9am and worked again until 2pm today. Then I went to uni to print and hand them in.
They were alternative assignments because I didn't go to Fraser Island with the class. But I don't think I would have liked their report more than these, as they had to make graphs and analyze in excel. And at least one persone know that I don't fancy that... My essays were about Wildlife Management and conflicting issuess. One about the Feral Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Australia and the other about a similar controversial topic in our home country. So I realized that the Scandinavian Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) was perfect. Although, more time and I would have done them better. But perfect is a measure beyond reach so average will do, but still I can't be totally happy with them as I hardly had time to proof read... The topics were interesting at least, so it wasn't too bad. God, I'm thinking I'm turning asian soon. I wonder if this is how they feel. Do they do perfect or are they never happy enough with what they accomplish?
Enough about essays and asian.
I'm having a sugar coma and need to rest. Reckon I'm going to bed early tonight. But before that I need to start thinking about a topic for my next report about climate change. And what else than a climate change documentary can make you more inspired?
Ps. I've find a second love, a Brisbane band called Montpelier. They're awesome!
They were alternative assignments because I didn't go to Fraser Island with the class. But I don't think I would have liked their report more than these, as they had to make graphs and analyze in excel. And at least one persone know that I don't fancy that... My essays were about Wildlife Management and conflicting issuess. One about the Feral Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Australia and the other about a similar controversial topic in our home country. So I realized that the Scandinavian Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) was perfect. Although, more time and I would have done them better. But perfect is a measure beyond reach so average will do, but still I can't be totally happy with them as I hardly had time to proof read... The topics were interesting at least, so it wasn't too bad. God, I'm thinking I'm turning asian soon. I wonder if this is how they feel. Do they do perfect or are they never happy enough with what they accomplish?
Enough about essays and asian.
I'm having a sugar coma and need to rest. Reckon I'm going to bed early tonight. But before that I need to start thinking about a topic for my next report about climate change. And what else than a climate change documentary can make you more inspired?
Ps. I've find a second love, a Brisbane band called Montpelier. They're awesome!
måndag 16 maj 2011
I have been thinking for a while now. Every time I'm working late, and by that I mean I leave the library at the latest 20.00-21.00, there are a lot of students there. And more keeps on coming. To what I find fascinating is that roughly speaking the library is full of asian people. Of course there are others than asian but you get my point. It's all about majority in this case. So, I simply think asian people are smarter than the average person. I mean they must be as much as they study. But where does the energy come from and not to mention the time?
Today I left the library at 19.35 and I felt like a bad student. I always do. To try to boost myself I'm thinking "at least I have more of a life than only studying". But I might be wrong there too I'm afraid. These asian look both smart and happy.
I wonder if it's only a short term thing or if what they learn actually stays inside. If so, where does it all fit? Did asian evolve with bigger brain capacity?
If someone has got an answer I'll be happy to hear it!
Today I left the library at 19.35 and I felt like a bad student. I always do. To try to boost myself I'm thinking "at least I have more of a life than only studying". But I might be wrong there too I'm afraid. These asian look both smart and happy.
I wonder if it's only a short term thing or if what they learn actually stays inside. If so, where does it all fit? Did asian evolve with bigger brain capacity?
If someone has got an answer I'll be happy to hear it!
söndag 8 maj 2011
I love May, mostly because it's spring. Not here, but it doesn't matter because in my Swedish heart and soul May will always be the spring month. Things are really changing in the nature, in people, in school. It's all coming to some kind of an end and everyone are excited about summer. Fantastic wonderful summer.
Sometimes in the blog I have described my subjective opinion about Australia and I thought I would continue a little bit on that. I like to compare things sometimes even though I'm not so much for comparative stuff normally. But comparing countries seems a bit less harmless than comparing people or values... Anyhow. I've now after three months here understood that Australia is a country lacking of culture, as in cities, buildings, houses, towns, villages. Even though people say it's a young country I haven't really understood. But now when I've seen a bit more of towns and suburbs I feel that something is desperately missing. Culture. Some people are not much for old cities with narrow streets and a history in each brick and wall front. But I am. In that way I think Australia is bit uninteresting, in terms of cities, towns and villages. It looks very similar to the part of Bäckebol where IKEA and all those big chains stand in rows. Metal, plastic and colour. It's not Australia's fault that it's young, they are developing just what Europe did thousands of years ago. But for now, it's just too modern for me. Because of this, I've come to appreciate the proximity between countries and culture in Europe. Towns and cities can be really romantic there, because of profound culture.
What Australia have a whole lot of, are amazing, beautiful, breathtaking landscapes. I've noticed that every time I passed by a fantastic scenery there are cows grazing the fields. They are so lucky with that wonderful view I'm thinking. I do hope they appreciate it!
To something else, yesterday I spent the saturday evening with my group from the biology-lab catching cane toads. We collected, filmed, took photos of them etc. It was actually pretty exciting. But they're nasty beasts. Hard to imagine what pest they actually are. The white/yellow matter you see is the poison they secrete when they are threatened, and that is what's killing many native animal species in Australia.
My love is going to China tomorrow. I'm happy for my old class but it's gonna be hard not to talk for 16 days... I mean isn't it tough enough not seeing each other? Yes. And no we can't even talk. Help. But we'll get through that too!
<3 Emma

Sometimes in the blog I have described my subjective opinion about Australia and I thought I would continue a little bit on that. I like to compare things sometimes even though I'm not so much for comparative stuff normally. But comparing countries seems a bit less harmless than comparing people or values... Anyhow. I've now after three months here understood that Australia is a country lacking of culture, as in cities, buildings, houses, towns, villages. Even though people say it's a young country I haven't really understood. But now when I've seen a bit more of towns and suburbs I feel that something is desperately missing. Culture. Some people are not much for old cities with narrow streets and a history in each brick and wall front. But I am. In that way I think Australia is bit uninteresting, in terms of cities, towns and villages. It looks very similar to the part of Bäckebol where IKEA and all those big chains stand in rows. Metal, plastic and colour. It's not Australia's fault that it's young, they are developing just what Europe did thousands of years ago. But for now, it's just too modern for me. Because of this, I've come to appreciate the proximity between countries and culture in Europe. Towns and cities can be really romantic there, because of profound culture.
What Australia have a whole lot of, are amazing, beautiful, breathtaking landscapes. I've noticed that every time I passed by a fantastic scenery there are cows grazing the fields. They are so lucky with that wonderful view I'm thinking. I do hope they appreciate it!
To something else, yesterday I spent the saturday evening with my group from the biology-lab catching cane toads. We collected, filmed, took photos of them etc. It was actually pretty exciting. But they're nasty beasts. Hard to imagine what pest they actually are. The white/yellow matter you see is the poison they secrete when they are threatened, and that is what's killing many native animal species in Australia.
My love is going to China tomorrow. I'm happy for my old class but it's gonna be hard not to talk for 16 days... I mean isn't it tough enough not seeing each other? Yes. And no we can't even talk. Help. But we'll get through that too!
<3 Emma
fredag 29 april 2011
Nicht gut
Australia is awesome in many ways but here's a list about bad things:
When you stay in Australia a longer time you...
-get fat
-loose your hair
-give in for too many treats (cause there's just too many wonderful sweet things)
-spend too much money
When you stay in Australia a longer time you...
-get fat
-loose your hair
-give in for too many treats (cause there's just too many wonderful sweet things)
-spend too much money
torsdag 28 april 2011
Hey folks!
Having my fabulous mid-semester break now. This is the second day I'm just home relaxing and I love it! Oh yeah, I'm obsessed over Vampire Diaries, that is how I've spent this day so far ;) Last friday to this tuesday, me Cynthia and Christine were on a roadtrip in New South Wales, the state just south of Queensland. It was really nice and fun! Saw beautiful places, ate fatty food, slept in a car 3 nights. We were half backpackers, half homeless but it was great!
I don't wanna start studying again, I should start with some readings for tutorials and reports that are due next week (!!!) already. Grrrr, I want school to be over. Counted today and it is 8 weeks of uni left. 8 weeks of work. I've done exactely 8 weeks of uni so far, so I guess I should be able to do it. But it's SO much left to do, can't understand how I will do it all... Aah just complaining a bit. It's not a dance on roses (like in Sweden) haha. Believe me I laughed when Julian was telling me about his stress a few weeks ago that he had to write six pages to the report in 3 weeks! At that moment I had like 5 days to write 10 pages. But in the end it was less than 10. But still. :D Hopefully I'll think the workload is less in Sweden next semester!
Miss you peeps!
Having my fabulous mid-semester break now. This is the second day I'm just home relaxing and I love it! Oh yeah, I'm obsessed over Vampire Diaries, that is how I've spent this day so far ;) Last friday to this tuesday, me Cynthia and Christine were on a roadtrip in New South Wales, the state just south of Queensland. It was really nice and fun! Saw beautiful places, ate fatty food, slept in a car 3 nights. We were half backpackers, half homeless but it was great!
I don't wanna start studying again, I should start with some readings for tutorials and reports that are due next week (!!!) already. Grrrr, I want school to be over. Counted today and it is 8 weeks of uni left. 8 weeks of work. I've done exactely 8 weeks of uni so far, so I guess I should be able to do it. But it's SO much left to do, can't understand how I will do it all... Aah just complaining a bit. It's not a dance on roses (like in Sweden) haha. Believe me I laughed when Julian was telling me about his stress a few weeks ago that he had to write six pages to the report in 3 weeks! At that moment I had like 5 days to write 10 pages. But in the end it was less than 10. But still. :D Hopefully I'll think the workload is less in Sweden next semester!
Miss you peeps!
torsdag 7 april 2011
Just wanted to make an announcement about differences in writing an exam in Australia and Sweden.
Australia: students sit there at least 10 minutes prior the exam talking, sweating, asking each other questions and speed studying their notes one last time. They sit "packade som sillar", and I'm thinking is this really good?
Sweden: students enter the classroom, starting to put up all the energy in terms of fruits, sweets, coffee etc that could rise the performance. The atmosphere is often calm and quiet, maybe you can hear someone giggling. You sit so that you can't read what someone else wrote also called "tjuvläsning".
Australia: after 50 minutes you are not allowed to write anything more. There was 27 questions and 50 minutes..
Sweden: after 50 minutes you know how you'll plan your answers on the exam. You start to sip on your coffee and let your mind go crazy. You write and write and write. After one hour you refill the energy by something sweet and then continue writing. After 2 hours you have cramps in the hand so you need a break to shake it. You also need to go to the toilet a second time (the coffee is finished). Then you sit one more hour.
Australia: students sit there at least 10 minutes prior the exam talking, sweating, asking each other questions and speed studying their notes one last time. They sit "packade som sillar", and I'm thinking is this really good?
Sweden: students enter the classroom, starting to put up all the energy in terms of fruits, sweets, coffee etc that could rise the performance. The atmosphere is often calm and quiet, maybe you can hear someone giggling. You sit so that you can't read what someone else wrote also called "tjuvläsning".
Australia: after 50 minutes you are not allowed to write anything more. There was 27 questions and 50 minutes..
Sweden: after 50 minutes you know how you'll plan your answers on the exam. You start to sip on your coffee and let your mind go crazy. You write and write and write. After one hour you refill the energy by something sweet and then continue writing. After 2 hours you have cramps in the hand so you need a break to shake it. You also need to go to the toilet a second time (the coffee is finished). Then you sit one more hour.
tisdag 5 april 2011
I'm on the second day of hell week. Have been working about 10 hours today and I still haven't done everything that I wanted to have done before going to bed... Argh
Right now I need 10 more hours of the day and energy like three children.
Hopefully I'll get done before friday, just if we're going to Fraser this weekend... Hopefully. Okay just wanted to say that I'm working like an ass and keep your fingers crossed that I'll succeed :)
I think about you often and I'm looking forward to this summer! Have some nice stuff planned already ;)
With love, Emma
Right now I need 10 more hours of the day and energy like three children.
Hopefully I'll get done before friday, just if we're going to Fraser this weekend... Hopefully. Okay just wanted to say that I'm working like an ass and keep your fingers crossed that I'll succeed :)
I think about you often and I'm looking forward to this summer! Have some nice stuff planned already ;)
With love, Emma
fredag 1 april 2011
It's 11pm and I'm home studying. Haven't been a good student at all this week and the only one to blame is me. But still, I feel sorry for myself. Right now I feel like I can't wait until that day when I have a job and don't need to study for an exam or write a stupid paper. Gosh!
Have a short thing to write to mondays biology, have two mid-semester exams on wednesday/thursday (also biology) and a big visual presentation that is due next sunday. I thought it wasn't due until 3 weeks time and I found out yesterday that it's in a week. It really sucks goat balls.
Soon I'm gonna make a skype call to the person who makes my heart melt. Thank you Julian for being the best person and boyfriend! <3
Ps. I heard a little noice and ignored it first. Then I saw a BIG ant coming from my bed on to the wall. I killed it. It took me some time, it fought to the very end. Poor ant you could say. But remember I am in Australia, the country with the most diverse ant population and with som dangerous ants as well. So, 1-0 to Emma.
Have a short thing to write to mondays biology, have two mid-semester exams on wednesday/thursday (also biology) and a big visual presentation that is due next sunday. I thought it wasn't due until 3 weeks time and I found out yesterday that it's in a week. It really sucks goat balls.
Soon I'm gonna make a skype call to the person who makes my heart melt. Thank you Julian for being the best person and boyfriend! <3
Ps. I heard a little noice and ignored it first. Then I saw a BIG ant coming from my bed on to the wall. I killed it. It took me some time, it fought to the very end. Poor ant you could say. But remember I am in Australia, the country with the most diverse ant population and with som dangerous ants as well. So, 1-0 to Emma.
torsdag 24 mars 2011
Since last time...
Hey folks!
Since last time I have:
gone to the cinema with the girls, being supermegalazy last weekend and I loved it, started to watch Vampire Diaries (i see now why everybody likes it), eating a lot of unhealthy stuff like Max Brenner. Best dessert in my life BUT way too much and of course I had to eat it all. That resulted in a Max Brenner baby for 3 days...
And I guess Brisbane Forest Park was the main attraction last week. I saw so many cool animals and plants. My favourites were the small green frogs, I guess they were some kind of tree frog as they spend most of their lifes in trees. They pull their limbs really close to the body and can sit like that up to 5 days, strategy to not dry out. I also liked to see how the kangaroos were moving slowly when it used its tale as an extra leg. And in the rainforest I was touched by the life cycle of a Strangling Fig and the mutualism between the fig wasp and the tree. Really cool how they developed to become dependent on the other organism! Talked to some solid nice people too. And guess what, they were not American or Canadian. In the biology course they all tend to stick together... Lame.
The day when it was +33C, me and Cynthia (french girl upstairs) went to a swimmingpool 30 mins away by foot. You can't think or move when it's that hot and humid so it's pretty much swim or die. So we decided to swim. We'll go tomorrow again, at least I will :)
We have also started to talk about future trips that we'll do, many of which we're gonna do together :)
Worst thing of the week: Sofia had to leave the house!! I was just saying to Cynthia that it's only one month left until Sofia has to leave and that's gonna be so sad. When we came back she found bedbugs in her bed and on the walls. So she had to move to our landlady's other house the day after... Fucking shit!
Well, me and the french girls are going there tomorrow anyway.
School is hard. This week has been crap. Don't feel like wasting my energy babbling about that so I wont.
I should really do some reading but I can't be bothered. Not today. Think I'll go earlier to the library tomorrow instead.
PS. Broke a record too, skype for 5 hours... So yeah dad, me and Julian are still "goa vänner" ;) Another not so funny thing, my waist is expanding. Found out yesterday and went running today haha.
Lots of love/Emma
Since last time I have:
gone to the cinema with the girls, being supermegalazy last weekend and I loved it, started to watch Vampire Diaries (i see now why everybody likes it), eating a lot of unhealthy stuff like Max Brenner. Best dessert in my life BUT way too much and of course I had to eat it all. That resulted in a Max Brenner baby for 3 days...
And I guess Brisbane Forest Park was the main attraction last week. I saw so many cool animals and plants. My favourites were the small green frogs, I guess they were some kind of tree frog as they spend most of their lifes in trees. They pull their limbs really close to the body and can sit like that up to 5 days, strategy to not dry out. I also liked to see how the kangaroos were moving slowly when it used its tale as an extra leg. And in the rainforest I was touched by the life cycle of a Strangling Fig and the mutualism between the fig wasp and the tree. Really cool how they developed to become dependent on the other organism! Talked to some solid nice people too. And guess what, they were not American or Canadian. In the biology course they all tend to stick together... Lame.
The day when it was +33C, me and Cynthia (french girl upstairs) went to a swimmingpool 30 mins away by foot. You can't think or move when it's that hot and humid so it's pretty much swim or die. So we decided to swim. We'll go tomorrow again, at least I will :)
We have also started to talk about future trips that we'll do, many of which we're gonna do together :)
Worst thing of the week: Sofia had to leave the house!! I was just saying to Cynthia that it's only one month left until Sofia has to leave and that's gonna be so sad. When we came back she found bedbugs in her bed and on the walls. So she had to move to our landlady's other house the day after... Fucking shit!
Well, me and the french girls are going there tomorrow anyway.
School is hard. This week has been crap. Don't feel like wasting my energy babbling about that so I wont.
I should really do some reading but I can't be bothered. Not today. Think I'll go earlier to the library tomorrow instead.
PS. Broke a record too, skype for 5 hours... So yeah dad, me and Julian are still "goa vänner" ;) Another not so funny thing, my waist is expanding. Found out yesterday and went running today haha.
Lots of love/Emma
lördag 12 mars 2011
I love when the weekends come. Yesterday I was happy that another week at uni was over! Jeremy in the house made dinner, again. And it was awesome, again! We had beer and wine and it was nice to sit around in the house listening to partymusic without going out. I began to practice some french again, I'll try to refresh that language now when there's an opportunity :)
This morning me and Sofia woke up about 7am to get to the market in West End. I bought veggies, fruit and bread. They had clothes, jewelry and all kinds of food. Really nice! Felt like it was a bit of a hippie atmosphere.
The house is pretty much empty as it's St Patricks Day and some people went to get drunk in town and some went to Surfers Paradise on pubcrawl=to get drunk. I decided to stay home and study. Didn't do anything yesterday and as soon as you don't care one day you have to deal with it the next. So I need to catch up already plus do quite a lot of reading. I have coffee and chocolate so I'll be just fine :)
Best thing of the week: I got a package from Julian! :D It was a photobook with both new and old photos of me and my friends and Julian :) God I was so happy. It's nice to look at the photos and think about all the great people I'm surrounded by.
You guys are the best and make everything more fun. Thank you!
With love, Emma
This morning me and Sofia woke up about 7am to get to the market in West End. I bought veggies, fruit and bread. They had clothes, jewelry and all kinds of food. Really nice! Felt like it was a bit of a hippie atmosphere.
The house is pretty much empty as it's St Patricks Day and some people went to get drunk in town and some went to Surfers Paradise on pubcrawl=to get drunk. I decided to stay home and study. Didn't do anything yesterday and as soon as you don't care one day you have to deal with it the next. So I need to catch up already plus do quite a lot of reading. I have coffee and chocolate so I'll be just fine :)
Best thing of the week: I got a package from Julian! :D It was a photobook with both new and old photos of me and my friends and Julian :) God I was so happy. It's nice to look at the photos and think about all the great people I'm surrounded by.
You guys are the best and make everything more fun. Thank you!
With love, Emma
söndag 6 mars 2011
Well well cykelställ.
Since the last update I've been to Stradbroke Island but I guess many have already seen the pictures at Facebook. Uni started last monday so I've spent some time there and studying at home. Trying to be organized so not everything will fall apart. Feels a bit weird to read 4 classes at the same time, not used to that at all. So it's easy to forget "homework" in one course when you have three other... Well well I shouldn't complain. One course is only taught in the evening so my schedule is not the best really, and I thought the course content would be piece of cake. But there's a lot of assignments to be done! Pheew, hopefully I wont collapse.
Last friday, that is, two days ago we had a house dinner, pre-party and then went out. I think we went to four different places and I danced like insane. I mean it was over a month ago so I guess I danced off all bad energy or something. I even remember doing some kind of window dance to people out on the street... Well, that's how things go sometimes I guess. And the result of that showed yesterday. The house was completely quiet. Everyone were in their rooms watching movies. I only went out to buy chips and chocolate. Figured that I danced off so many calories so I needed a refill...
Good things in Brisbane:
-The buses and trains are cheaper than in Göteborg. And the system is easier!!!!
-Many clubs dont have any entrance fee compared with Göteborg where you have to pay to look at a club.
-The weather!
Less good things:
-There is NO müsli or cereal without added suger (I had to go to a health food shop and buy stuff and make my own).
-There's no place lite Slottskogen where you can run or walk.
-The temperature differenct inside and outside, they love air condition. Always bring an extra sweater to school as the difference inside/outside easily can be more than 10 degrees.
-Expensive beer.
-The weather makes my hair really dry!
-The bats!
I dont dislike the city at all, even though the less good things-list is longer... I've only been here a month so far so the list can change :)
Looking forward to Skype with Bina tonight! Before that I'll be good and read through the lab-notes I have to do before tomorrow! I'm on page 23/70. Blä!
Over and out, Emma
Last friday, that is, two days ago we had a house dinner, pre-party and then went out. I think we went to four different places and I danced like insane. I mean it was over a month ago so I guess I danced off all bad energy or something. I even remember doing some kind of window dance to people out on the street... Well, that's how things go sometimes I guess. And the result of that showed yesterday. The house was completely quiet. Everyone were in their rooms watching movies. I only went out to buy chips and chocolate. Figured that I danced off so many calories so I needed a refill...
Good things in Brisbane:
-The buses and trains are cheaper than in Göteborg. And the system is easier!!!!
-Many clubs dont have any entrance fee compared with Göteborg where you have to pay to look at a club.
-The weather!
Less good things:
-There is NO müsli or cereal without added suger (I had to go to a health food shop and buy stuff and make my own).
-There's no place lite Slottskogen where you can run or walk.
-The temperature differenct inside and outside, they love air condition. Always bring an extra sweater to school as the difference inside/outside easily can be more than 10 degrees.
-Expensive beer.
-The weather makes my hair really dry!
-The bats!
I dont dislike the city at all, even though the less good things-list is longer... I've only been here a month so far so the list can change :)
Looking forward to Skype with Bina tonight! Before that I'll be good and read through the lab-notes I have to do before tomorrow! I'm on page 23/70. Blä!
Over and out, Emma
onsdag 23 februari 2011
It's been a week already since the last update. Time runs fast!
Last weekend it was awesome weather so me, Sofia and Charlotte went to Surfers Paradise/Gold Coast to see and feel the ocean! It was really hot and the ocean was SO warm... No wonder when there's a La Niña, but still. I have never before felt so warm ocean water.
When I woke up on sunday there was a note on the table saying that I was welcome to joing Sofia at the beach again... So I did. It was even hotter and this day I slightly burnt my back. We couldn't really stay very long in the sun so instead we looked for the famous cake place that she had been talking about. And we found it! I can't describe with words how tasty the cake was and unfortunately I didn't bring the camera.
Orientation Week started on monday so I've been to Uni twice this week... Today it was Market Day when different student clubs and societies tries to get you to join everything and they give you free stuff and so on. Lots of people and quite hot! Walked around with Rachel (irish) and Antonia (german), don't know if I mentioned them before but they're really nice anyway. Tonight we're going to a place called the Regatta and apparently really famous to all students here. It's like 10 mins walk from the house so das ist gut!
Allright, enough now. Need to start cooking if I wanna make it!
<3 Emma
Last weekend it was awesome weather so me, Sofia and Charlotte went to Surfers Paradise/Gold Coast to see and feel the ocean! It was really hot and the ocean was SO warm... No wonder when there's a La Niña, but still. I have never before felt so warm ocean water.
When I woke up on sunday there was a note on the table saying that I was welcome to joing Sofia at the beach again... So I did. It was even hotter and this day I slightly burnt my back. We couldn't really stay very long in the sun so instead we looked for the famous cake place that she had been talking about. And we found it! I can't describe with words how tasty the cake was and unfortunately I didn't bring the camera.
Orientation Week started on monday so I've been to Uni twice this week... Today it was Market Day when different student clubs and societies tries to get you to join everything and they give you free stuff and so on. Lots of people and quite hot! Walked around with Rachel (irish) and Antonia (german), don't know if I mentioned them before but they're really nice anyway. Tonight we're going to a place called the Regatta and apparently really famous to all students here. It's like 10 mins walk from the house so das ist gut!
Allright, enough now. Need to start cooking if I wanna make it!
<3 Emma
torsdag 17 februari 2011
I'm quite bored today. The rain is poring outside and that keeps me from going out. Maybe I'll go for a walk towards town later.
Yesterday I went to uni for a "getting-started session". It was pretty useful as I got a better map over St Lucia and I got my student-ID card and a GO-card for the transport. I also met the irish girl Rachel who I met the day before when walking to campus. She feels like my first friend here, hopefully we'll stay in contact.
I had a look around campus yesterday, trying to find my three different buildings I'll be in. Not very nice to walk around in cloudburst with a broken umbrella. I bought a new one later on! It's an investment and you do need to keep it with you at all times.
At the session yesterday the woman who held it told us that it's important that we phone home etc. That some people kind of forget about that... I didn't recognize me at all haha. I love to skype and keep me updated of what is happening in Sweden :)
I'll upload some photos from campus and my way home and the house!

Yesterday I went to uni for a "getting-started session". It was pretty useful as I got a better map over St Lucia and I got my student-ID card and a GO-card for the transport. I also met the irish girl Rachel who I met the day before when walking to campus. She feels like my first friend here, hopefully we'll stay in contact.
I had a look around campus yesterday, trying to find my three different buildings I'll be in. Not very nice to walk around in cloudburst with a broken umbrella. I bought a new one later on! It's an investment and you do need to keep it with you at all times.
At the session yesterday the woman who held it told us that it's important that we phone home etc. That some people kind of forget about that... I didn't recognize me at all haha. I love to skype and keep me updated of what is happening in Sweden :)
I'll upload some photos from campus and my way home and the house!
måndag 14 februari 2011
A new home!
Hi everyone!
So the day before yesterday me and two other girls from the hostel were looking for accommodation. Accidently we had looked for the same ones so we went to four places together! Yesterday I got a call from a landlady telling me that a guy who wanted to see a room in her house hadnt got back to her so she called me as I was 2nd in line :) I'm so happy she did cause today I moved in! Me and Charlotte (french girl from the hostel that I've spent some time with) were walking around town the whole day so when Louise the landlady called me she picked us up and drove to the house. Really fresh, newly renovated Queenslander, not as expensive as the other ones. I had a good feeling about it and because Louise is such a sweet lady who cares about all her tenants! So this morning at 8am I texted her and said I'd love to move in and at 10am she picked me up :) I love when things are happening for real!
The area is called Auchenflower next to Toowong. I guess it takes me about 20mins to get to school. I'll try that on wednesday as I couldn't attend the getting started session today.
Today is unbelievably hot outside and I'll probably get burned when I later walk to Toowong shopping mall. Some suncream and I'll be ready to rumble!
Ps Happy Valentines Day to all my peeps! <3
The first photo shows Brisbane City
The second shows a really common bird
Third is the hostel
Fourth is what I saw when I woke up in the airplane close to arriving in Brisbane :)

So the day before yesterday me and two other girls from the hostel were looking for accommodation. Accidently we had looked for the same ones so we went to four places together! Yesterday I got a call from a landlady telling me that a guy who wanted to see a room in her house hadnt got back to her so she called me as I was 2nd in line :) I'm so happy she did cause today I moved in! Me and Charlotte (french girl from the hostel that I've spent some time with) were walking around town the whole day so when Louise the landlady called me she picked us up and drove to the house. Really fresh, newly renovated Queenslander, not as expensive as the other ones. I had a good feeling about it and because Louise is such a sweet lady who cares about all her tenants! So this morning at 8am I texted her and said I'd love to move in and at 10am she picked me up :) I love when things are happening for real!
The area is called Auchenflower next to Toowong. I guess it takes me about 20mins to get to school. I'll try that on wednesday as I couldn't attend the getting started session today.
Today is unbelievably hot outside and I'll probably get burned when I later walk to Toowong shopping mall. Some suncream and I'll be ready to rumble!
Ps Happy Valentines Day to all my peeps! <3
The first photo shows Brisbane City
The second shows a really common bird
Third is the hostel
Fourth is what I saw when I woke up in the airplane close to arriving in Brisbane :)
fredag 11 februari 2011
I made it!
So finally I reached Brisbane this morning. The flights went really well with no delays. The pick-up service that UQ has is really good! An australian lady from the university was waiting for me at the airport and a gentleman drove me and two other UQ-students to the city. He was really funny and made me comfortable! Arrived to the hostel: Somewhere to stay at approximately 9.30 and got the key for my dorm... Eeeeeeh. Well I can just say that I feel a big difference in staying in a hostel when I'm not a packpacker with my suitcase, laptop etc. Things like that the room is smelling wouldnt have been bothering me otherwise but now it does. I feel like an old lady and looking forward to my permanent accomodation!
Went to the supermarket to get something to eat, jetlagged as I am, I didnt understand easy instructions like follow the road, then left, right, left. She had to make me a map. Came back to the hostel and had something to eat and then I thought I'd rest a moment... Slept 1,5 hours and believe me when I say it's SO hard to stay awake.
Tomorrows mission will be to have a bigger look around and searching for accomodation!
So people I'm waiting for you to come down visiting me anytime now ;)
Lots of love, Emma
Went to the supermarket to get something to eat, jetlagged as I am, I didnt understand easy instructions like follow the road, then left, right, left. She had to make me a map. Came back to the hostel and had something to eat and then I thought I'd rest a moment... Slept 1,5 hours and believe me when I say it's SO hard to stay awake.
Tomorrows mission will be to have a bigger look around and searching for accomodation!
So people I'm waiting for you to come down visiting me anytime now ;)
Lots of love, Emma
måndag 7 februari 2011
2 days left
So I'm freaking out here. The laundry is in the machine and the suitcase on the bed. I'm kind of paralyzed and have no idea where to start...
The time is running out and the goodbye-party on friday was great! (My neck still hurts from the dancing). Said goodbye to a couple of friends on saturday and my grandparents yesterday. Tonight it's byebye to the rest. Saving one + parents until wednesday.
Yes I'm nervous. Yes I'm scared. Yes I'm excited. No I don't have a permanent place to stay yet, but booked a hostel for one week. I don't know exactely how it is after the flooding. (But it's between 25-30 degrees Celcius).
These are the answers to the most common questions I get.
I guess next update will come from 27°28′04″S 153°01′40″E in timezone AEST +10 Australian Eastern Standard Time).
The time is running out and the goodbye-party on friday was great! (My neck still hurts from the dancing). Said goodbye to a couple of friends on saturday and my grandparents yesterday. Tonight it's byebye to the rest. Saving one + parents until wednesday.
Yes I'm nervous. Yes I'm scared. Yes I'm excited. No I don't have a permanent place to stay yet, but booked a hostel for one week. I don't know exactely how it is after the flooding. (But it's between 25-30 degrees Celcius).
These are the answers to the most common questions I get.
I guess next update will come from 27°28′04″S 153°01′40″E in timezone AEST +10 Australian Eastern Standard Time).
tisdag 1 februari 2011
9 days left
Okay, down with the digit now as it's only nine days left. Then I'm switching Sweden for Australia and the idea of that is c r a z y. Where did all my time go? It feels like there's so many things I should do before departure but now mein kopf ist leer so I can't think of any important stuff I should do. Just trying to enjoy my days in Göteborg and Alingsås with nice people as much as possible!
At least I started to look for my bikini and summer wardrobe today! The thought of wearing shorts and not underlayer is quite strange and trying the shorts with white legs is not a very pretty sight...
The next days I'll spend in Göteborg and then there's the good-bye-party on friday. Looking forward to see my nice peeps and have a great evening!
Yours truly E
At least I started to look for my bikini and summer wardrobe today! The thought of wearing shorts and not underlayer is quite strange and trying the shorts with white legs is not a very pretty sight...
The next days I'll spend in Göteborg and then there's the good-bye-party on friday. Looking forward to see my nice peeps and have a great evening!
Yours truly E
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