onsdag 23 februari 2011


It's been a week already since the last update. Time runs fast!

Last weekend it was awesome weather so me, Sofia and Charlotte went to Surfers Paradise/Gold Coast to see and feel the ocean! It was really hot and the ocean was SO warm... No wonder when there's a La Niña, but still. I have never before felt so warm ocean water.

When I woke up on sunday there was a note on the table saying that I was welcome to joing Sofia at the beach again... So I did. It was even hotter and this day I slightly burnt my back. We couldn't really stay very long in the sun so instead we looked for the famous cake place that she had been talking about. And we found it! I can't describe with words how tasty the cake was and unfortunately I didn't bring the camera.

Orientation Week started on monday so I've been to Uni twice this week... Today it was Market Day when different student clubs and societies tries to get you to join everything and they give you free stuff and so on. Lots of people and quite hot! Walked around with Rachel (irish) and Antonia (german), don't know if I mentioned them before but they're really nice anyway. Tonight we're going to a place called the Regatta and apparently really famous to all students here. It's like 10 mins walk from the house so das ist gut!

Allright, enough now. Need to start cooking if I wanna make it!

<3 Emma

2 kommentarer:

  1. Låter så grymt! gick du med i nån förening eller nåt? och hur var klubben på kvällen??
    för övrigt så tycker jag nog att du måste åka tillbaks till kakstället för att ta lite kort så jag kan få se. KAKOR o BULLAR is the shit! :)
    Mamma, pappa och marcus hade vart på värsta kända bageriet/konditoriet (Carlo's Bakery) i New Jersey när dom var i NYC. Där hade dom köpt deras välkända cannoli :) det gick ett program om detta bageri på tv som hette Cake Boss ifall du känner igen det. nåväl emms, det låter så jävla ballt allt. Och varmt o härligt!!! här är det kallt och grått. Så trött på dessa grå skalor liksom. kyss lilla pastej!

  2. dags för uppdatering snart emmagullet! puss
