So the day before yesterday me and two other girls from the hostel were looking for accommodation. Accidently we had looked for the same ones so we went to four places together! Yesterday I got a call from a landlady telling me that a guy who wanted to see a room in her house hadnt got back to her so she called me as I was 2nd in line :) I'm so happy she did cause today I moved in! Me and Charlotte (french girl from the hostel that I've spent some time with) were walking around town the whole day so when Louise the landlady called me she picked us up and drove to the house. Really fresh, newly renovated Queenslander, not as expensive as the other ones. I had a good feeling about it and because Louise is such a sweet lady who cares about all her tenants! So this morning at 8am I texted her and said I'd love to move in and at 10am she picked me up :) I love when things are happening for real!
The area is called Auchenflower next to Toowong. I guess it takes me about 20mins to get to school. I'll try that on wednesday as I couldn't attend the getting started session today.
Today is unbelievably hot outside and I'll probably get burned when I later walk to Toowong shopping mall. Some suncream and I'll be ready to rumble!
Ps Happy Valentines Day to all my peeps! <3
The first photo shows Brisbane City
The second shows a really common bird
Third is the hostel
Fourth is what I saw when I woke up in the airplane close to arriving in Brisbane :)
Happy Valentine to you my girl!
SvaraRaderaTrevligt att höra att det redan ordnade sig med bostad. Bra jobbat, Emma!
Roligt med bilder, det blir lite mer verkligt för oss här hemma.
Mummo och ukki hälsar, där var allt ok.
Stort kram/äiti
NICE! :)
SvaraRaderajag håller med äiti!
SvaraRaderadu är fantastisk som redan lyckats fixa bra boende, så jäkla bra jobbat!
och bilder!!! det hoppar jag i luften över, det blir så jävla mycket verkligare för en nedkyld svensk som mig att förstå vart hennes finaste emma faktiskt håller hus.
Skönt o höra också att the houselady verkar god och mån om er, man är ju ändå rätt utsatt liksom. Har världens bästa känsla nu, detta kommer bli hur grymt som helst. Lycka till i skolan på onsdag! promenerar du dit då förresten?
och ÖS på solkräm, vi vill inte ha några soleksem förknippade med denna resa.. ;)
hurra för allt <3