Hey folks!
Having my fabulous mid-semester break now. This is the second day I'm just home relaxing and I love it! Oh yeah, I'm obsessed over Vampire Diaries, that is how I've spent this day so far ;) Last friday to this tuesday, me Cynthia and Christine were on a roadtrip in New South Wales, the state just south of Queensland. It was really nice and fun! Saw beautiful places, ate fatty food, slept in a car 3 nights. We were half backpackers, half homeless but it was great!
I don't wanna start studying again, I should start with some readings for tutorials and reports that are due next week (!!!) already. Grrrr, I want school to be over. Counted today and it is 8 weeks of uni left. 8 weeks of work. I've done exactely 8 weeks of uni so far, so I guess I should be able to do it. But it's SO much left to do, can't understand how I will do it all... Aah just complaining a bit. It's not a dance on roses (like in Sweden) haha. Believe me I laughed when Julian was telling me about his stress a few weeks ago that he had to write six pages to the report in 3 weeks! At that moment I had like 5 days to write 10 pages. But in the end it was less than 10. But still. :D Hopefully I'll think the workload is less in Sweden next semester!
Miss you peeps!
Ej! Studying in Sweden is also stress! ;)
SvaraRaderahaha, jag skrattar så jag gråter. speciellt när jag läser julians kommentar. åh emma, himla fint å se dig idag!! puss å kram saknar dig massor!
SvaraRaderaÅÅhhh, jag blir ju lite rädd för att åka ner nu... Men är det mänskligt att kunna göra det liksom? För jag ska läsa ganska jobbiga kurser, typ geokemi och sådant.