måndag 16 maj 2011


I have been thinking for a while now. Every time I'm working late, and by that I mean I leave the library at the latest 20.00-21.00, there are a lot of students there. And more keeps on coming. To what I find fascinating is that roughly speaking the library is full of asian people. Of course there are others than asian but you get my point. It's all about majority in this case. So, I simply think asian people are smarter than the average person. I mean they must be as much as they study. But where does the energy come from and not to mention the time?

Today I left the library at 19.35 and I felt like a bad student. I always do. To try to boost myself I'm thinking "at least I have more of a life than only studying". But I might be wrong there too I'm afraid. These asian look both smart and happy.

I wonder if it's only a short term thing or if what they learn actually stays inside. If so, where does it all fit? Did asian evolve with bigger brain capacity?

If someone has got an answer I'll be happy to hear it!

1 kommentar:

  1. Jag tror det handlar om uppfostran till att satsa hårt på skolan redan från barnsben, och dessutom de vuxnas modell i arbetslivet med långa arbetsdagar. De tycker inte synd om sig själva som måste arbeta/studera, utan ser det som privilegium. Oftast kan man faktiskt se saker och ting från flera perspektiv, om man bara kommer på tanken :-)
    Roligt att du tar dig tid att reflektera över människors beteende...
    Saknar att få prata med dig!
