Since the last update I've been to Stradbroke Island but I guess many have already seen the pictures at Facebook. Uni started last monday so I've spent some time there and studying at home. Trying to be organized so not everything will fall apart. Feels a bit weird to read 4 classes at the same time, not used to that at all. So it's easy to forget "homework" in one course when you have three other... Well well I shouldn't complain. One course is only taught in the evening so my schedule is not the best really, and I thought the course content would be piece of cake. But there's a lot of assignments to be done! Pheew, hopefully I wont collapse.
Last friday, that is, two days ago we had a house dinner, pre-party and then went out. I think we went to four different places and I danced like insane. I mean it was over a month ago so I guess I danced off all bad energy or something. I even remember doing some kind of window dance to people out on the street... Well, that's how things go sometimes I guess. And the result of that showed yesterday. The house was completely quiet. Everyone were in their rooms watching movies. I only went out to buy chips and chocolate. Figured that I danced off so many calories so I needed a refill...
Good things in Brisbane:
-The buses and trains are cheaper than in Göteborg. And the system is easier!!!!
-Many clubs dont have any entrance fee compared with Göteborg where you have to pay to look at a club.
-The weather!
Less good things:
-There is NO müsli or cereal without added suger (I had to go to a health food shop and buy stuff and make my own).
-There's no place lite Slottskogen where you can run or walk.
-The temperature differenct inside and outside, they love air condition. Always bring an extra sweater to school as the difference inside/outside easily can be more than 10 degrees.
-Expensive beer.
-The weather makes my hair really dry!
-The bats!
I dont dislike the city at all, even though the less good things-list is longer... I've only been here a month so far so the list can change :)
Looking forward to Skype with Bina tonight! Before that I'll be good and read through the lab-notes I have to do before tomorrow! I'm on page 23/70. Blä!
Over and out, Emma
the beer cant be more expensive then in sweden ;)
SvaraRaderapusspuss Julian
hehe, really nice blog!
SvaraRadera- now you also have a clue how things at university goes in germany - sometimes hard to organize all parallel. i prefer swedish system i guess :)
- hehe window dance? yes i guess you really had to dance hard if you didnt for a long time and when you where with people you feel comfortable with!
- they add sugar to so many thinks? and you swedish girl are not used to it? it-is-s-strange. but no müsli really sucks!!! can you buy grains or whatever what you can mix to a müsli?
- uuh i saw a pic of yours from a huuuuuge bat! huuuuuge!!! wow...
kram och puss!!
ah haha, that up there wrote me, lena