Since last time I have:
gone to the cinema with the girls, being supermegalazy last weekend and I loved it, started to watch Vampire Diaries (i see now why everybody likes it), eating a lot of unhealthy stuff like Max Brenner. Best dessert in my life BUT way too much and of course I had to eat it all. That resulted in a Max Brenner baby for 3 days...
And I guess Brisbane Forest Park was the main attraction last week. I saw so many cool animals and plants. My favourites were the small green frogs, I guess they were some kind of tree frog as they spend most of their lifes in trees. They pull their limbs really close to the body and can sit like that up to 5 days, strategy to not dry out. I also liked to see how the kangaroos were moving slowly when it used its tale as an extra leg. And in the rainforest I was touched by the life cycle of a Strangling Fig and the mutualism between the fig wasp and the tree. Really cool how they developed to become dependent on the other organism! Talked to some solid nice people too. And guess what, they were not American or Canadian. In the biology course they all tend to stick together... Lame.
The day when it was +33C, me and Cynthia (french girl upstairs) went to a swimmingpool 30 mins away by foot. You can't think or move when it's that hot and humid so it's pretty much swim or die. So we decided to swim. We'll go tomorrow again, at least I will :)
We have also started to talk about future trips that we'll do, many of which we're gonna do together :)
Worst thing of the week: Sofia had to leave the house!! I was just saying to Cynthia that it's only one month left until Sofia has to leave and that's gonna be so sad. When we came back she found bedbugs in her bed and on the walls. So she had to move to our landlady's other house the day after... Fucking shit!
Well, me and the french girls are going there tomorrow anyway.
School is hard. This week has been crap. Don't feel like wasting my energy babbling about that so I wont.
I should really do some reading but I can't be bothered. Not today. Think I'll go earlier to the library tomorrow instead.
PS. Broke a record too, skype for 5 hours... So yeah dad, me and Julian are still "goa vänner" ;) Another not so funny thing, my waist is expanding. Found out yesterday and went running today haha.
Lots of love/Emma
haha, vems midja håller inte på att expandera!! igår gjorde jag kladdkaka (ensam) och idag har jag ätit två delicatobollar och en mums mums. förmodligen inte i närheten till så gott som din glass!!!!!!!!!!!! åh, du verkar ha det fint. önskar jag kunde hälsat på =/
SvaraRaderaJuchhu!A new entry!Always happy when i can read sth. from you!!!
Hope your affair with Max Brenner doesent will go to serious ;)!
My exame was alright but will you tell more soon! :) hihi
Puss o kram din Julian
Skoj att det bra.
SvaraRaderaAllt från Max och din baby till gröna grodor och franska flickor låter förjävla bra (förutom bedbugsen). Tänker på dej jättejätteofta och önskar jag kunde varit där och sprungit och simmat och svettats vid din sida. Fan va jag vill. ÅH!
SvaraRaderaMen! här snöar det IGEN efter att ha varit soligt och rejält jävla asvårigt med fågelkvitter, krokusar och hela fadderullan ett par dagar. YES! inte. Men sen blir det för mig att köpa ett par joggingskor oxå och sätta igång inför beach 2013. eller jag menar 11...
Jag ska skaffa skype hade jag tänkt så kan vi väl ha en dejt snart? puss lingonet