onsdag 1 juni 2011

June, why am I not as lovely as you?

Sitting at the library in a hoody, jacket, scarf and vandrarstrumpor. It's still cold. My hands are cold, my nose is cold. Everybody seems to think that as soon as you originate north of the latitude 50°N you are not welcome to freeze anymore. In that case an african can't sweat for example. I think that's silly because I think they sweat. Back to the cold, I guess the temperature dropped again the last days because now it's so hard to get up from bed. And I'm unbeliebly unmotivated to go write on this stupid report.

Fuck it, today I only feel like going home. It's like you should be ashamed of wanting to go home when you're here. I MISS HOME AND IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME TO COME HOME! There, I said it. Of course I miss home when my wonderful friends, boyfriend and family are there. I can't see anything strange with that.

Yes, I have a bad day or days maybe I should say. It's been a bit shit lately, it really feels like my brain came out with the shit a few days ago. Therefore it makes it so much harder to work.

At least it's June.
(Sorry for writing such a depressing blog insertion!)

3 kommentarer:

  1. Du är så välkommen hem snart! Men först ska ju vi komma till dig - och vi åker bara om två veckor, Tänk på det!
    Men menar du att man ska behöva frysa i det landet med så mycket sol? Ska vi packa med underställ kanske? Hihi, det låter helt absurt!
    Kram/ äiti

  2. Åh, klart hemlängtan får komma när den kommer, och klart skinnet kryper när det är kallt! Längtar efter dig här, och jag bara hoppas nu att det gick vägen med den där rapporten...
    här kommer nåt som jag vet att du gillar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ01iVKQm8k

  3. emma, snart är du hemma! <3
