I love May, mostly because it's spring. Not here, but it doesn't matter because in my Swedish heart and soul May will always be the spring month. Things are really changing in the nature, in people, in school. It's all coming to some kind of an end and everyone are excited about summer. Fantastic wonderful summer.
Sometimes in the blog I have described my subjective opinion about Australia and I thought I would continue a little bit on that. I like to compare things sometimes even though I'm not so much for comparative stuff normally. But comparing countries seems a bit less harmless than comparing people or values... Anyhow. I've now after three months here understood that Australia is a country lacking of culture, as in cities, buildings, houses, towns, villages. Even though people say it's a young country I haven't really understood. But now when I've seen a bit more of towns and suburbs I feel that something is desperately missing. Culture. Some people are not much for old cities with narrow streets and a history in each brick and wall front. But I am. In that way I think Australia is bit uninteresting, in terms of cities, towns and villages. It looks very similar to the part of Bäckebol where IKEA and all those big chains stand in rows. Metal, plastic and colour. It's not Australia's fault that it's young, they are developing just what Europe did thousands of years ago. But for now, it's just too modern for me. Because of this, I've come to appreciate the proximity between countries and culture in Europe. Towns and cities can be really romantic there, because of profound culture.
What Australia have a whole lot of, are amazing, beautiful, breathtaking landscapes. I've noticed that every time I passed by a fantastic scenery there are cows grazing the fields. They are so lucky with that wonderful view I'm thinking. I do hope they appreciate it!
To something else, yesterday I spent the saturday evening with my group from the biology-lab catching cane toads. We collected, filmed, took photos of them etc. It was actually pretty exciting. But they're nasty beasts. Hard to imagine what pest they actually are. The white/yellow matter you see is the poison they secrete when they are threatened, and that is what's killing many native animal species in Australia.
My love is going to China tomorrow. I'm happy for my old class but it's gonna be hard not to talk for 16 days... I mean isn't it tough enough not seeing each other? Yes. And no we can't even talk. Help. But we'll get through that too!
<3 Emma